1. [PDF] ORAL TRADITION 24.1 - Complete issue
Our first paper, the Albert Lord and Milman Parry Lecture on Oral Tradition for 2009, describes and analyzes the living Sardinian tradition of mutetu longu, ...
2. [PDF] Post-Soviet 'Uncivil Society' and the Rise of Aleksandr Dugin - SSOAR
The thesis uses the generic concepts of uncivil society, groupuscule, and right-wing. Gramscianism developed in comparative fascist studies to substantiate ...
3. Catalogue | - Phenomenological Reviews
Kurt R. Cline. Glimpse 15. A phenomenology of intimate relating and identification with the whole (and the tale of the woefully misguided aspirations of the ...
Husserl Studies 30/32014
4. (PDF) Bibliography of Interstellar Travel and Communication (SETI ...
Compilation of bibliographies published since late 1974 in Journal of the British Interplanetary Society, including unpublished updates (9977 numbered entries ...
Compilation of bibliographies published since late 1974 in Journal of the British Interplanetary Society, including unpublished updates (9977 numbered entries and additional reprints, translations, reviews, comments, etc.).
5. 3/2017 WiderScreen 20 (3)
This article deals with Roberto Rossellini's famous Italian neorealist film, 'Rome, Open City' (Roma, città aperta, 1945), as well as Wolfgang Staudte's, ' ...
Cultural heritage process, Identity work, Italian Neorealism, Murderers Among Us, National identity, Open City, Rome, Rubble films
6. Gavrov Sergey Nazipovich. Sergey Gavrov Modernization of Russia
May 23, 2009 · Girenok: In accordance with the laws of personalization, each wants to get its portion of the subjectivity of (ethnic, linguistic, etc.).
7. Full text of "Dostoevsky studies [serial] : journal of the International ...
Full text of "Dostoevsky studies [serial] : journal of the International Dostoevsky Society, vol. 6". See other formats. dostoevsky Studies 6 п The Journal ...
8. Catalogue | - The Open Commons of Phenomenology
Kurt R. Cline. Glimpse 15. A phenomenology with the natural world. 2014. Tim Ingold. Environmental & Architectural Phenomenology 25/3. A philosophical inquiry ...
"A certain walk to follow": Derrida and the question of method2014Rodolphe Gasché Epoché 18/2
9. Облако тегов - ИНТЕЛРОС
... Russell, Foxley Tim, Francois Isabelle, Frandsen Bert, FRANKO Patrice ... , Huebner Kurt, Hughes Michael P., Hughes Michelle, Hulslander Robert, Hurley ...
See AlsoClare Waight Keller PrivateГруппа «ИНТЕЛРОС» образована в декабре 2003 года. Включает в себя исследовательский комплекс по изучению и картографированию проектно-интеллектуального потенциала России (в сфере социального анализа, проектирования и прогнозирования), состояния национального экспертного сообщества, систем его коммуникаций и трансляций, предметных полей деятельности, динамики профессиональных страт, формирования социогуманитарных корпораций и сообществ. Проводит ежеквартальный рейтинг представителей российского социогуманитарного сообщества.
10. [PDF] European researcher. 2010. № 1
Fedor I. Girenok …………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 52. Contemporary Philosophy of Science: Object, Subject and Structure. Sergey A. Lebedev ...
11. doctrine geopolitice. arhitectura puterii în sistemul internaţional
... Kurt Vowinckel Verlag, 1928, p. 3. 10 MIHAI A. PANU Ratzel analizează ... Russell Fifield, Etzel Pearcy, Geopolitics in Principle and Practice, Boston ...
În peisajul academic actual geopolitica începe să joace un rol din ce în ce mai important. După ce a fost exilată ani de-a rândul în sfera plină de tabuuri a conformismului ideologic, această disciplină revine în actualitate mai ales prin forţa
12. Filmography: Sandra - QuickLook Films
Kupala ()Cast: Nikolay Shestak, Elena Girenok, Veronika Plyashkevich, Anna Polupanova, Aleksandr Abramovich ... Russell, Claudia Udy, Andrew J. Lederer ...
In The Summers ()Release Date: September 20, 2024Cast: Residente, Sasha Calle, Lio Mehiel, Leslie Grace, Emma RamosDirector: Alessandra LacorazzaWriter: Alessandra Lacorazza
13. Melissa Virtanen – Sivu 4 - WiderScreen
Jun 21, 2018 · ... (Russell 2007). In Macao, tuxedos, nightlife and other such images of ... Kurt Maetzig's Marriage in the Shadows (Ehe im Schatten, 1947) ...
14. Filmography: Vl - QuickLook Films
Kupala ()Cast: Nikolay Shestak, Elena Girenok, Veronika Plyashkevich, Anna Polupanova, Aleksandr Abramovich ... Stargate (PG-13)Cast: Kurt Russell, James Spader, ...
Cobweb (2023-I) (R)Release Date: July 21, 2023Cast: Lizzy Caplan, Antony Starr, Cleopatra Coleman, Woody Norman, Luke BuseyDirector: Samuel BodinWriter: Chris Thomas Devlin
15. Alexandra I. Russell | Professionals - Kirkland & Ellis LLP
Missing: kurt Girenok
Alex Russell is a litigation partner in Kirkland’s Washington, D.C., office. Alex has a broad trial and litigation practice representing clients in a variety of commercial litigation matters in federal courts, state courts, and arbitrations across the country. Alex has extensive experience litigating class actions and multi-district litigations (MDLs), with a specific focus on the life sciences and energy sectors. Alex has also served as trial counsel to debtors in numerous high-profile bankruptcies. In addition to litigation matters, Alex routinely counsels clients on competition issues in the life sciences industry and is a frequent speaker on these topics.